Work Out & Exercise Tips for A More Feminine Body - Glamour Boutique (2024)

Working out and exercising, combined with healthy eating are just a couple of ways you can work on your feminine body shape. If you find yourself asking the question, how do you get a feminine body in mtf, one goal you could set for yourself is to make changes to your current body shape through exercise and diet. In this blog post we’ve explored some things you can do to make those sought-after improvements or changes. It does take a little time and discipline to make changes to your body through diet and exercise, but the good news is you don’t have to spend hours in a gym to work towards a more feminine silhouette! We are only going to concentrate on crossdresser workouts and activities that help feminize the body by focusing on the lower torso area. Our favorite exercises listed below can all be done from the home and are all focused on improving your feminine physique.

Tips to help achieve a more feminine figure

Consider Whether Weight Loss Could Feminize Your Look

If you are middle-aged or approaching your 40s, then like most of us you may notice your metabolism is slowing, along with other age-related changes. The chances are, you can no longer eat what you want and remain at your ideal weight. You start to build up fat in the mid and lower torso, making it harder to manufacture a natural female hourglass figure. Shed some pounds and inches in the waist area with a sensible diet and mtf exercise, and suddenly there are so many more possibilities when dressing en femme.

You can’t change your height, but you may be able to make some changes to your body shape with a healthy diet. We do not advocate extreme dieting but healthy eating of regular portions will likely lead to weight loss. One thing you might also wish to try is intermittent fasting. It uses the 16/8 principle, meaning you only eat for a period of 8 hours in a day (e.g. 8am to 4pm i.e. no eating after 4pm) and the body then rests from eating or drinking any calorie-containing beverages. Making adjustments such as these can really help to make weight loss a little easier going, and some people enjoy fantastic results with this eating method. Remember, it’s important to retain a healthy diet, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables throughout the day, whether you are partaking in intermittent fasting or just changing your eating habits.

If in doubt, visit a professional to review your objectives just to make sure you are eating healthy. Eating the right amount of calories is very important if you intend to exercise in addition to modifying your diet.

Exercise Warm-up Routine

Because we have identified the need to focus on the lower torso which means glutes exercises, we are looking to warm up that part of the body before we start on our feminizing exercises. Brisk walking for 10 to 20 minutes should be followed by stair climbing up and down at least 10 times, taking 2 steps at a time. Stick your butt out as we are seeking to stretch and warm up the gluteus maximus or butt muscles. Try to concentrate on pushing the butt out to help fully engage the glutes when ascending and descending the stairs, two steps at a time. An easier alternative would be a stationary cycle for 10 minutes.

Squat to Almost Sitting Position

Stand straight with legs a little more than shoulder-width apart. It’s important to maintain a nice wide stance. As you begin the squat movement as if sitting down, raise both arms straight ahead, shoulder length apart in order to help with balance. Make sure to push the butt out so that your needs remain behind the toes. Start by squatting halfway and build up to doing a squat to a sitting position. If you have never done a squat before, place a chair behind you as added security. Do 10 repetitions and build up to 3 sets of 10 during your workout. These squats are a great exercise to give you a bigger bum as you build up your muscles and helps you work towards a deeper squat position.

Hip Raises

Another exercise that will help you strengthen your glutes exclusively is hip raises. Lie on a yoga mat/carpet and raise your knees so your feet are flat on the ground and are approximately 4 to 6 inches from the butt. Place your arms flat by your sides on the matt palms down. This is your beginning position. Make sure the small of the back is in contact with the matt. Now raise the hips, keeping your lower abdomen taught and engaged. Doing this will help the glutes do most of the work which is where we are going to see the best feminization results by shaping the butt. Lower the hips from the top position and make sure the small of the back touches the ground again before starting the next repetition. Do 10 repetitions and build up to 3 sets of 10 during your workout.

Lunges for Beginners

Another really effective glutes exercise that will help feminize the butt shape. As well as working the glutes, this also tones the thighs for an altogether more feminine lower body shape. Stand straight and then take a stride forward but stop before lifting the back foot up to take another step. Find the center position with both feet flat on the ground. Now squat down but drop the body straight down, raising the heel of the back foot off the floor. The knee of the front foot must remain behind the toes at all times in the squat. Look straight ahead to maintain your balance at all times – you can also put your hands on your hips to help stabilize the body. Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each side and 2 to 3 sets during your workout.

Sitting Clamshells

To work the very top and sides of the glutes we are going to use an exercise that requires a simple resistance band. Sit on a chair or bench with a resistance band around your thighs (just above the knees) and your legs shoulder-width apart. Push the knees to the side (away from each other) working against the resistance of the band. Return the knees back to the first position slowly and then repeat 10 to 20 times. Build up to 3 sets during your workout. If you start to tire you can add a modification by leaning back up to 45 degrees, supporting yourself with your arms behind you on the bench.

Table Top Core Strengthening Exercise

This is a great exercise for all round core strengthening including your glutes. Start on all fours on a mat or the carpet keeping the back straight. Make sure the shoulders are centered above the hands and the hips remain over the knees. Simultaneously extend the right arm and the opposing left leg. Make sure they remain straight and parallel to the floor. Hold the position for 2 or 3 seconds and then return the knee and hand to the original position on the ground. Make sure you engage the core when both raising and lowering the limbs. Now repeat for the opposite sides. Do 10 to 15 repetitions and work up to as many as 3 sets during your workout.

We would also recommend exploring our other crossdressing tips in the blog including waist training which can really accelerate your feminization shape with the regular use of a corset and aid in reducing your food intake. Remember to naturally cultivate a more female-shaped physique we need to concentrate on the lower abdomen, the butt, and the thighs. Use these simple exercises and treat them as part of your girl time. Maybe slip on a thong gaff and some opaque pantyhose or leggings to channel that inner Jane Fonda exercise video! Until you have got to grips with your diet and exercise regime, remember we have all kinds of shapers and padded panties to help you with an instant female shape. Good luck.

Work Out & Exercise Tips for A More Feminine Body - Glamour Boutique (2024)


What exercises make you more feminine? ›

Exercises that focus on lower body strength, like squats and lunges, along with core workouts and cardio, can help you achieve a feminine body shape. Remember to also include upper body exercises for balanced fitness.

What exercise gives you the best female body? ›

Some of the key moves that everyone should focus on are Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, Pressing and core movements. You want to challenge yourself by increasing the weights on these exercises, and you probably have a lot of muscle that you could add before your legs or other muscles get too big.

How can I make my body more feminine? ›

Regular exercise can help you achieve a more feminine figure. Focus on exercises that target your hips, buttocks, and thighs. Squats, lunges, and hip thrusts are excellent choices to shape and tone these areas. Incorporate resistance training to build lean muscle, which can enhance your curves.

What exercises are good for MTF body shaping? ›

Focus on exercises that target the glutes, hips, and thighs. Squats, lunges, and hip thrusts are excellent choices. These exercises not only help shape your lower body but also improve overall strength and stability. You don't need an intense workout routine to have a slim, toned, cute feminine body.

What is the most feminine workout? ›

Stretching, swimming, soft yoga for women, yin-yoga, walking and dancing are all wonderful examples of very feminine exercises.

What should I workout each day female? ›

  • Monday: Glutes/Legs.
  • Tuesday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps.
  • Wednesday: Glutes/Legs.
  • Thursday: Back/Biceps.
  • Friday: Glutes.
  • Saturday: Rest.
  • Sunday: Rest.
Oct 21, 2022

How do I make my legs look more feminine? ›

10 exercises for toned legs
  1. Squats. The squat is one of the best exercises to tone legs. ...
  2. Lunges. Lunges work your thighs, butt, and abs. ...
  3. Plank leg lifts. Regular planks target the upper body, core, and hips. ...
  4. Single-leg deadlifts. ...
  5. Stability ball knee tucks. ...
  6. Step-ups. ...
  7. 7. Box jumps. ...
  8. Speedskater jumps.
Nov 16, 2023

How long does it take to transform a female body? ›

And if you exercise regularly, over time you will gain even more fitness benefits. “At 6 to 8 weeks, you can definitely notice some changes,” said Logie, “and in 3 to 4 months you can do a pretty good overhaul to your health and fitness.”

Which exercise is best for curvy body? ›

For a curvy body, you want to make sure to balance upper body workouts with lower body workouts. Make each of your workouts different to work different muscle groups for all-around tone and keep your metabolism running high. Try a class, such as spinning, barre, cardio burn, flow yoga, or boot camp once per week.

How can I change my body shape fast? ›

10 Top Body Composition Exercises for Transforming Body Shapes
  1. squats. Squats have a great ROI. ...
  2. push-ups. The push-up is the most basic yet effective and most challenging exercise you'll use. ...
  3. Planks. Excellent for home workouts, planks strengthen muscles and improve posture. ...
  4. Burpees. ...
  5. Lunges.
Jun 17, 2021

How do I bring out my feminine energy? ›

7 Ways to embrace your femininity and unleash your inner goddess
  1. Get your body moving. ...
  2. Allow time for grounding, healing, and balancing your energy. ...
  3. Spend time with other women. ...
  4. Treat yourself to some retail therapy. ...
  5. Make your own self-care a priority. ...
  6. Book a day for pampering. ...
  7. Do things that spark your creativity.
Jan 29, 2024

What is feminine exercise? ›

Stretching, swimming, soft yoga for women, yin-yoga, walking and dancing are all wonderful examples of very feminine exercises.

How can I gain feminine weight? ›

In general, your plan may include:
  1. Eating more frequently. Slowly begin to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day. ...
  2. Choosing food with lots of nutrients. ...
  3. Top it off. ...
  4. Try smoothies and shakes. ...
  5. But watch what and when you drink. ...
  6. Exercise.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.