Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (2025)

Cercopithecoid, or known today as monkeys, are one of the most chaotic animal species on earth. While some people adore them, some are really scared of them, as they keep jumping from here and there. Well, the fact is that –
while monkeys are actually harmless, there are some species of monkeys that can be dangerous. Thus, it is extremely important for you to be able to differentiate them from each other, and then decide which, among the small monkey breeds you can have as pets. Before you head out to the list of Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets, why not indulge in some facts about them?

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (1)

The weight of these animals:

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (2)
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They can start by weighing as light as just three ounces, or can go up to a hundred pounds. That’s how varied they are in terms of weight. So, when you choose a monkey breed for your pet, consider their growing weight!

Quite Picky with Food:

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (3)
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We all have been associating bananas with monkeys, ever since. While that is true that this breed of animals loves the fruit, you will be quite surprised to learn the fact that they are quite choosy about it. If you keep an unpeeled banana and a peeled one front of them, they will pick the later. They do not eat bananas with their skin on.

Some Monkeys have Limited Heights:

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (4)
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Yes! This is a fact. There are some breeds of monkeys, especially the squirrel monkeys, who do not grow up above a certain length. They cannot grow beyond 10 inches in length

Not all Monkeys Like to Live on Trees:

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (5)
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And this is exactly why you can also have them as pets. While we all always thought that monkeys are arboreal animals, that’s not true. In fact, they also display a large variety when it comes to diet too. Some pet monkeys love to have eggs, fruits, seeds, and leaves.

They can be Trained:

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Yes, it’s just not dogs or other circus animals that can be trained. Monkeys are known to be quite intelligent and quick learners, making them a good Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets to train as domestic helpers
If you are among those who find monkeys to be too cute, so much that you wished you could pet them, well, your wish could just turn into reality… choose from among these breeds of pets!


Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (7)
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Before you read more about them, be aware that may need to wear diapers! If you are ready for such a commitment, go for this primate breed because they are adorable. They can live up to 30 years! They are small in size, but due to their activities and metabolism rates, they require huge spaces to stay.


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They are one of the most common breeds to pet. As a matter of fact, if you see a lot of monkey action on certain TV shows and movies, there are high chances that it is this breed. They are known to be extremely intelligent yet naughty by nature.

Squirrel Monkeys

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They are cute little monkeys, that do not grow beyond a certain length. They live for about 15-25 years and thus can be one of the options for pets.


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They were referred to as apes and are a huger version of monkeys. They are stronger than other breeds of this species. They can live up to 60 years of age. However, there are different Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets within the whole species of chimpanzees – one that cannot be kept as pets, and the other smaller ones that can be. Choose the later, for obvious reasons!


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They fall under the category of the Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets. They are so small that they do not weigh more than a pound. Their lifespan is also smaller when compared – they live for 15 years, maximum. When petting them, make sure you have thinner bars of the cage, otherwise, they can escape.


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They are one of the most high maintenance pets when it comes to monkey breeds. Their food and cleanliness are extremely challenging. The weight falls between 7-10 pounds and they live up to 25 years.

Spider Monkeys

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They are mostly found in tropical areas, and until they are not trained to live on land, they prefer to live on trees and thus, consider forests areas. But, once you pet them, these animals get accustomed to that place as well. They are one of the Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets who can eat insects, eggs etc too, as part of their diet.


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They are very similar to Tamarins but are smaller than these breeds. They are too naughty and are known to be very fidgety. They do not like to sit in one place, so you are going to have a hard time holding and cuddling them in your laps.

These are some of the most common Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets to cuddle and laugh around during your stress buster times. Monkeys are no easy game peeps, so prepare yourself and the family well, before going ahead with the decision of adopting a monkey as a pet!

Small Monkey Breeds You Can Have as Pets (2025)


What is the smallest monkey you can have as a pet? ›

Explore the world of the finger monkey, the smallest monkey species that will melt your heart. Learn about pygmy marmosets and why finger monkeys make adorable pets.

What is the friendliest type of monkey? ›

Northern Muriqui Monkeys are the most peaceful primates in the world, living in uniquely egalitarian societies where relationships between males and females are free of conflict, and instead full of hugs.

Do small monkeys make good pets? ›

Here's why primates shouldn't be kept as pets

They're potentially dangerous – while they might look cute, they can become aggressive when they mature and have been known to bite and attack their owners. Monkeys like marmosets scent mark extensively, spreading their musky smell everywhere.

Can you own a pygmy monkey? ›

In general, a pygmy marmoset is safe to own, however, you need to make sure you have the right home setup available. They have incredibly strong legs, and they can jump nearly 15 feet in the air. This means that you will need to provide your marmoset with structures that allow them to jump.

What states allow small monkeys as pets? ›

States with No Restrictions to Own a Monkey in US
  • West: Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska.
  • Midwest: Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio.
  • South: Alabama, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina.
Mar 28, 2024

What monkeys are friendliest to humans? ›

Bonobos, the friendly hippies of the primate world, are willing to help strangers even if there's nothing in it for them, Duke University researchers report November 7 in the journal Scientific Reports.

Are monkeys high maintenance pets? ›

High Maintenance and Specialized Care:

For their wellbeing, appropriate shelter, enrichment, and mental stimulation are crucial. Additionally, because they can live for several decades, monkeys require a lifetime commitment.

What are the most affectionate monkeys? ›

The macaque is one of the most affectionate monkeys on the planet; individuals maintain relationships by grooming one another, they communicate with grunts.

What's the least aggressive monkey? ›

Her research has revealed that Costa Rica's squirrel monkeys are among the most egalitarian and least aggressive primates in the world. She describes them as the peaceful primate in the peaceable kingdom.

Which monkey is gentle? ›

Geographic Distribution and Habitat. A monkey of many names, the blue monkey (aka: Sykes' monkey, diademed monkey, gentle monkey, and samango) also inhabits many different types of forests across Africa.

What is the most noisy monkey? ›

Howler monkeys are the loudest of all monkeys.

What are the cons of owning a monkey? ›

  • Potentially dangerous to have in your home because of disease risk and aggression.
  • Very difficult to give them enough physical and mental stimulation.
  • Need ample space in your home for them to climb and swing.
  • Hard to find a vet who specializes in capuchins.
Dec 13, 2023

What is the smallest pet monkey breed? ›

Physical description. Pygmy marmosets are the smallest true monkey, with a head-body length ranging from 117 to 152 mm (4.6 to 6.0 in) and a tail of 172 to 229 mm (6.8 to 9.0 in). The average adult body weight is just over 100 g (3.5 oz) with the only sexual dimorphism of females being a little heavier.

Can you potty train a monkey? ›

No. Most monkeys cannot be effectively toilet trained. Sometimes, younger monkeys can be partially potty trained, but they lose that ability as they mature. In addition, as they're attempting to potty train, they tend to throw their poop and play with their pee.

How much does a pygmy finger monkey cost? ›

Based on different sources, a finger monkey range from $1500 to $4000.

What kind of monkey fits on your finger? ›

It also has brown fur and a long tail like a squirrel—but it's a pygmy marmoset, the world's smallest monkey! Marmosets and their cousins, the tamarins, are some of the tiniest primates around. A full-grown pygmy marmoset could fit in an adult human's hand, and it weighs about as much as a stick of butter.

How much does a pet capuchin monkey cost? ›

Purchasing a Capuchin Monkey. Capuchin monkeys can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $7,000.

How big is a pygmy monkey? ›

Pygmy marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world, weighing a mere 119 g (4.20 oz) on average and measuring, on average, 136 mm (5.35 in) (Soini 1988; Rowe 1996). Males and females are very similar in size, though females are slightly heavier (Soini 1988).

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.