Keto and Bone Broth: Everything you need to know (2024)

Find out all about the ketogenic diet and how bone broth can support you on your keto journey.

Although the keto diet has been around for over a century, in recent years it has experienced a significant surge in popularity, not just for its weight loss benefits but also as a lifestyle choice for those looking to regulate blood sugar levels, increase energy, and enhance mental clarity

In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at keto and how bone broth can make the perfect addition to this low-carb, high-fat diet. Find out:

  • What is the keto diet
  • Is bone broth keto friendly
  • What are the benefits of taking bone broth on a keto diet
  • Can bone broth help with keto flu
  • How to integrate bone broth into your keto diet
  • Keto Bone Broth Recipes

What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet’s name derives from ‘ketosis’ – the metabolic process it aims to achieve. Ketosis happens when the body runs out of glucose and begins to burn stored fat for energy instead. The easiest way to achieve ketosis is by A.) fasting, or B.) reducing your glucose levels by limiting your carb intake.

There are in fact several different types of keto diet, with the most common being the Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD), which consists of eating high-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate-protein food combinations. The other 2 main types of keto diet are the High Protein Ketogenic Diet (HPKD) and Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD), but these two regimes need very careful planning and calorie and macronutrient tracking, so for most it’s best to start following the standard version. Its ideal to help reduce body fat and weight, while still providing enough energy to maintain muscle mass.

Its popularity is also due to the fact that it’s generally quite straight forward to follow. The amount of protein and fat allowed also means people feel more satiated compared to when they are following a calorie restricted diet. To reach ketosis the average individual will have to eat 20 grams of carbs or less and it takes about a week for your body to go into Ketosis, although this obviously can differ from person to person.

Many swear by the keto diet, not only for its effectiveness in aiding weight loss, but for the many other health benefits it is said to offer. Research has suggested that keto can be effective in preventing heart disease, and reducing the symptoms of conditions like Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.

Is Bone Broth Keto-Friendly?

Bone broth is low in calories, high in fat, and virtually carb-less, making it an extremely keto-friendly food. High-quality bone broth is also rich in bioavailable nutrients, so consuming it can reduce the risk of malnourishment that can come from avoiding or limiting certain foods.

Freja bone broth is made with roasted bones that are simmered for up to 24 hours to ensure the maximum level of nutrients are extracted, making it the ultimate companion for keto dieters! It’s also store cupboard friendly which means you can have some in the kitchen ready for whenever you need it.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Bone Broth on a Keto Diet?

We know we’re biased, but there really are lots of benefits of bone broth on a keto diet (especially Freja bone broths!). Here are some of them:

  • Quickly replenish your nutrients: High-quality store-bought bone broths (i.e. from Freja) are rich in bioavailable nutrients that your body can use right away. Whether you choose to cook with it or sip it straight, Freja bone broth delivers the same amount of nutrients as if you were to spend 24 hours making your own!
  • It can help you feel fuller: As a liquid, bone broth can help you feel full and nourished, without consuming many calories. This makes it an excellent choice for those using the keto diet for weight loss.
  • It’s diverse: You can use keto bone broth in the same way you’d use regular stock. Add it to casseroles, soups, or gravies to pack an extra nutritional punch!
  • Track your intake more accurately: Store-bought bone broth has all the nutritional information on the package, so keto dieters are better able to track their macronutrient intake.

Can Bone Broth Help with Keto Flu?

Although one of the touted benefits of going keto is mental clarity, dieters may experience quite the opposite effect in the first few days. Headaches, nausea, and brain fog are all symptoms of ‘keto flu’ – which is simply the side effects of your body adjusting to using fat for fuel.

When adapting to the keto diet, it’s likely that your electrolytes will be off-balance, and this is the most common cause of ‘keto flu’. Bone broth is an excellent remedy for this initiation period, as it is high in electrolytes and glycine, which can aid cognitive function and digestion, and help the body adjust faster.

How to Integrate Bone Broth into your Keto Diet (and how much you should use)

Bone broth is super easy to integrate into any diet, even keto! You can treat bone broth like you would a regular stock, so it can be added to soups, braised meat dishes, gravies, or simply sipped on its own!

The amount of bone broth you should take a day will depend on your own dietary requirements and calorie goals. However, as bone broth is very low-calorie and virtually carb-less, it’s unlikely to kick you out of ketosis. The general recommendation among keto experts is to consume up to 500ml of bone broth per day as part of a balanced keto diet.

Keto Bone Broth Recipes

Freja’s keto bone broth is wonderfully delicious, nutritious, and versatile! Here are some keto friendly recipes using bone broth that you can try at home.

Keto and Bone Broth: Everything you need to know (2024)


Keto and Bone Broth: Everything you need to know? ›

It has virtually zero carbs and few calories, so you can indulge in bone broth even while you are on the ketogenic diet or fasting. Bone broth is packed with collagen. Collagen helps reduce cellulite, improve skin health, and increase lean muscle mass. Bone broth helps detoxify your body.

Is bone broth good for you on a keto diet? ›

Bone broth is low in calories, high in fat, and virtually carb-less, making it an extremely keto-friendly food. High-quality bone broth is also rich in bioavailable nutrients, so consuming it can reduce the risk of malnourishment that can come from avoiding or limiting certain foods.

What happens if you only drink bone broth for a week? ›

Drinking only bone broth can help you lose weight because it deprives you of calories. However, it could be harmful to the body, so be cautious and ensure that you receive the complete range of nutrients you require to be healthy. A combination of diet and exercise may help you lose weight.

Will bone broth break a keto fast? ›

Bone broth contains 40 - 50 calories per cup; therefore, it will break your fast. However, just because bone broth breaks a fast doesn't mean it's a bad inclusion during intermittent fasting. Taking bone broth during intermittent fasting can help you enter a metabolic state known as ketosis.

How often should you drink bone broth to lose weight? ›

There's really no such thing as too much bone broth, but you can tailor your bone broth consumption for your specific health goals. For muscle gain and weight loss drink 2-6 cups daily. For gut health, try at least 2 cups of bone broth each day. For skin conditions and/or joint health, drink 2-4 cups per day.

What is the 21 day bone broth fast? ›

The bone broth diet is a 21-day plan that involves eating Paleo for five days and fasting for two. During the five days of eating Paleo, you drink anywhere from one to three cups of bone broth. On the fasting days, you have three to six cups of bone broth.

What is the healthiest bone broth to buy? ›

What is the healthiest bone broth on the market? The healthiest bone broth on the market is the Organic bone broth made by Bluebird Provisions because it is the highest protein with 12 grams with 300 mg potassium and no added filler ingredients. It is also low in sodium and tastes absolutely delicious.

What is the downside of bone broth? ›

While bone broth is generally considered safe to consume, there are some potential risks to be aware of. Lead contamination. Some studies show elevated levels of lead in bone broths, which can be harmful to health if consumed in large amounts. Bacterial contamination.

Why do I feel weird after drinking bone broth? ›

According to some studies, bone broth may be high in glutamate. Glutamate may cause adverse effects such as anxiety, restlessness, low energy, mental exhaustion, sleeplessness, and concentration problems, although there is no scientific evidence to prove this.

Should I drink bone broth in the morning or at night? ›

The best time to drink bone broth is in the morning, however bone broth nutrients can help settle, soothe and ease digestion all throughout the day.

Can I drink coffee while bone broth fasting? ›

During a 2-3 day bone broth fast, you can drink as much bone broth as you like, along with herbal tea and water. Coffee is not recommended, as it can irritate your gut. However, if you experience a caffeine withdrawal headache, you can sip small amounts of coffee until your headache improves.

What to eat after a bone broth fast? ›

Conclusion. A meal of either sautéed vegetables with some protein or bone broth/miso soup with vegetables and protein are two great ways to ease your body back into eating — and don't forget to hydrate properly, both throughout and after a fast!

What is the 3 day bone broth fast schedule? ›

Drink between 3-4 litres of bone broth a day, for 3 consecutive days. This can be broken up into 5 intervals – 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm and 7 pm. You may also consume green and herbal teas, coffee and even a cup of espresso!

Does bone broth reduce belly fat? ›

Bone broth may help you lose belly fat because it helps you lose weight. However, it is almost impossible to spot reduce fat . Meaning you cannot specifically target the fat in a specific area to lose. Your body will lose it throughout your frame.

How long does it take to see results from bone broth? ›

"If you're trying to get the benefits of bone broth, it makes sense to eat a serving of it daily over the course of six to eight weeks to assess the benefits," Dr. Means says.

Should I drink bone broth hot or cold? ›

While you certainly could try to drink your bone broth cold, its natural consistency — thick, due to that miracle ingredient of gelatine — makes it far more pleasant when consumed warm or hot, like most soups. “I always like to drink mine hot as the gelatinous savoury texture isn't as palatable cold.

How many net carbs are in bone broth? ›

Chicken Bone Broth (1 cup) contains 0.9g total carbs, 0.9g net carbs, 1.4g fat, 4.8g protein, and 38 calories.

How many calories are in bone broth? ›

Nutrition Facts:

One cup of bone broth typically has 35-50 calories and 7-10 grams of protein. Sodium varies by brand from 95 mg to nearly 600 mg sodium per cup; higher-sodium, electrolyte-rich bone broth can be an excellent option for athletes who need the extra sodium.

What beef stock is keto? ›

Bare Bones Bone Broth Instant Powdered Beverage Mix, Beef, Pack of 4, 15g Sticks, 10g Protein, Keto & Paleo Friendly.

Is beef broth the same as bone broth? ›

Bone broth is a further evolution of broths and stocks, made from the simmering of bones in addition to a variety of meats, vegetables, and spices in water. These ingredients simmer for the longest period of time to maximize the flavor derived from the cooking process.

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