In Memoriam | Kingston Branch, The Ontario Genealogical Society (2025)

Begun in 2011, this page commemorates members of Kingston Branch who have passed away. We were privileged to have shared in their genealogical journeys.

Barbara Berrigan passed away on June 27, 2024. Barbara joined Kingston Branch in 1986 and remained a member until 2009. During that time she served on several committees and held multiple positions on the Branch Council. She was the Publicity Chair from 1988 to 1990, Corresponding Secretary in 1993, Co-Chaired the Publications Committee from 1995 to 1997 then, after taking a year off, returned to Chair that committee from 1999 to 2000. Barbara then moved to the Cemeteries Committee where she was the Chair or Co-Chair from 2003 through 2008. Her obituary was published in the Kingston Whig Standard

Helen Backhouse was a member of Kingston Branch for 36 years before her
death on 9 February 2024 in Edmonton. To access her obituary, please click on the following link: Funeral Service website.

William Darcy McKeough, a member of Kingston Branch for 22 years between
1997 and 2023, passed away on 29 November 2023. His obituary was
published in the Globe and Mail newspaper. To access the obituary please click on the Legacy. com website.

William “Bill” Amell passed away in Kingston on March 27, 2023, in his 92nd year. He joined Kingston Branch in 1978 and remained a member for the next 42 years. He was also a member of the Lanark County Genealogical Society. His obituary is on the Dignity Memorial website

Robert Cardwell died on March 23, 2023. He was a member from 2005 until 2021. His widow, Elizabeth, was also a member of Kingston Branch for many years. He was very active in the Barriefield community, especially with the Pittsburgh Historical Society. His obituary can be found in the Kingston Whig Standard Obituaries.

Alex Ross died on March 23, 2023. He joined Kingston Branch in 2015 and had
just recently renewed his membership for 2023. His obituary is on
Simpler Times

Kathleen Makepeace passed away on February 26, 2023. She was a Kingston Branch member for 16 of the years between 1982 and 2014. Her husband, Hugh (deceased November 5, 2017), joined her as a Kingston Branch member for 8 of those years. Obituaries for both Kathleen and Hugh are on the Whig Standard website. For Kathleen’s obituary click on this link For Hugh’s click on this link.

Aldwyth Chisholm passed away on January 19, 2023, at the age of 91. Aldwyth was an enthusiastic member of Kingston Branch from 1988 to 2016. She served on a number of committees and was always willing to help out with “extra” tasks like pricing books for a silent auction. Her obituary is on the Whig Standard website

James “Jim” Ridler passed away on December 10, 2022. He had been a
member of Kingston Branch for five years. His obituary can be found on
the Direct Cremation Services website

Arthur Sparks died on September 28, 2022. Art was a member of Kingston
Branch for 19 years. After joining Kingston Branch in 2004, Art seldom
missed an in-person Branch meeting. He was the Chair of the House
Committee for three years, and he also volunteered on the Cemeteries
Committee for several years. In 2012, Art received a 5-year Ontario
Volunteer Service Award in recognition of his volunteer contributions to
Kingston Branch. An Obituary and a photo may be found at this Kingston Whig Standard link.

Cora Reid died on 14 September 2022. Cora was a member of Kingston
Branch for 45 years. She joined Kingston Branch in 1975 and began
volunteering almost immediately. In 1976 and 1977 she was the Chair of
the Membership committee. She readily shared her knowledge of Lennox &
Addington County with other researchers and contributed to several
publications which can be found in the Kingston Branch library
collection. You can read her obituary with a photo by clicking on this Kingston Whig-Standard link.

Elizabeth “Betty” Salsbury d. 25 February 2022 A member for 24 years, Betty and her husband, George, both joined Kingston Branch in 1984 Whig Standard Obituary

Ron Mann passed away on 21 February 2022. Ron was an active member of Kingston Branch for over 45 years. He was Chair of the Organizing Committee for OGS Seminar ’80, was a member of the Branch’s Program committee for decades and made presentations at
multiple Branch meetings. You can read his obituary with a photo by clicking on this Whig Standard link

Kenneth Outwater d. 13 December 2021 Ken was a member from 1986 until 1996 and served as Chair of the House committee in 1991 and 1992 Whig Standard Obituary

Cecil John “Jack” Brown d. 1 October 2021 Jack was a member from 1999 until 2016. WhigStandad Obituary

Rev. Edward Jackman d. 18 Jun 2021 Kingston branch member for more than 35 years (since 1985) Obituary – Toronto Star and Archdiocese of Kingston memorial

Kenneth Irvine d. 19 May 2021 Ken was a branch member from 1989 to 2010. He served as Treasurer from 1991 to 1993. Whig Standard Obituary

Michael Curtis passed away on April 30, 2021. Michael was a member of our branch for more than 20 years. His obituary with a photo can be found at

Margaret Mooney d. 18 February 2021 Margaret was a member for 12 years starting in 1988. During that time she was Chair of several committees: Welcome (1992 and 1995), Education (1993 and 1994) and Membership (1996 to 1997). Whig Standard Obituary

Doris Wemp UE joined Kingston Branch OGS in 2017. A notice of her death on December 5, 2020 can be found at

Dorothy Stewart passed away on May 10, 2020. She was a Kingston Branch member from 1979 to 1990 and again for one year in 2009. She was Chair of Cemeteries (1983-84), Mailing (1985-86), Vice Chair & Treasurer in 1987, Chair in 1988 and Past Chair 1989-90. Her obituary with photo is at

Alice Whittaker, a member from 1993 to 2009, was a willing member of the Library Committee for a number of years. She was a regular participant in our Second Wednesday Genealogy Lunches. See her obituary at

June Brayshaw, a long-time member, passed away on May 24, 2019. Her obituary at even says, “Her research on Family Genealogy filled shelves of binders.”

Audrey Bailey passed away on April 26, 2019. Audrey joined Kingston Branch in 1978, and served as Recording Secretary in 1982. She left us for 30 years to deal with other aspects of her life, but returned to the Branch in 2017 until her death in 2019. An obituary may be found at website.

Mary Baker, a long-time member of our branch, passed away on April 30, 2018 in Kingston. Her obituary and photo can be found on the website.

Art Beemer.a former branch Treasurer (1995-1996), passed away on December 16, 2017. Art was a member of Kingston Branch for 24 years, joined for nine of those years by his wife Janet. His obituary can be found on website.

May Meekswas a long-time member of Kingston Branch, from 1976 to 2009. We are sorry to report May’s passing on November 19, 2017. Her obituary and photo can be found on website.

Elizabeth Lapointeand her husband Mario had just joined the Kingston Branch shortly before she passed away on March 13, 2017. Elizabeth was well known to genealogists as the editor of the OGS journalFamiliessince 2010 and ofNewsleaffrom 2006 to 2010. Her popular blogGenealogy Canadacovered genealogical events from coast to coast. Her obituary can be found on thewebsite of theOttawa Citizennewspaper.

Ron Lambertpassed away in Kitchener on February 1, 2017 at age 80. Ron was a member of Kingston Branch since 1989. An obituary can be found on the
Henry Walser Funeral Home website.

Roberta Sargeantwas a member of Kingston Branch in 2007 and 2008 after the death of her husband Bob, who had been a long-time member. Both Roberta and “>her husband worked with Ernie Miller on numerous branch publications from the Lanark area. She received an Ontario Volunteer Service award in 2008 for her work with Bob and Ernie on Kingston branch publications. Roberta passed away on 19 July 2016. Her obituary can be found on website.

Edwin Haig Clarkpassed away on Friday May 27, 2016 in Gananoque. He had been a member of the Kingston Branch OGS for 28 years and was the father of Allan Clark, who is also a member. Our sympathy goes out to his family and friends. An obituary appeared on the website.

The Honourable Mr. Justice George Inrigpassed away on May 21, 2016 in Picton. He had recently donated a memoir-family history to the Kingston Branch OGS Library. An obituary can be found on the website ofRushnell Funeral Home.

Kingston Branch memberIrwin M. Ruttlepassed away on May 13, 2016. After serving several times on the Branch Executive and acting as the Branch auditor, computer advisor and overseer of membership data, he was made a life member of the branch in 1994. He was the father of Kingston Branch members Carol Abbey of Saskatoon and Brenda Ruttle of Kingston, and of their brother David. Our sympathy goes out to all of his family and website.

Dawn Broughtonwas member of Kingston Branch for 38 years before she passed away on February 22, 2016. She received an Honorary Branch membership in 2000. She served in many positions within the Branch, including Corresponding Secretary (1981, 1982 and 2001), chair of Library Committee (1983), chair of Program Committee (1984, 1986, 1998, 1999), chair of Publications Committee (1987, 1988), and chair of Cemeteries Committee (1989). For many years she was our newsletter editor (1990, 1991, 1993, 1999, 2000, 2002-2005). She also served the Branch as Vice-Chair (1993, 1994), Chair (1995, 1996, 1997), Co-Chair with Barbara Aitken and Bob Billings (2000), and Past Chair (1998, 2001, 2002). Her obituary is at the website.

Margaret Thompsonwas a Kingston Branch member for 22 years, from 1994 until 2015. She was an avid genealogist and presented a talk “From County Wicklow, Ireland to Hungerford, Hastings County, Ontario” at our March 2009 meeting. Marg passed away on 11 January 2016. Her obituary can be found on website.

Donald Faichney, who passed away on March 13, 2015, had been a branch member for 4 years. He first joined in 1986, and rejoined in 2013. His wife Vera has also been a member for 3 years.An obituary for Don can be found on theFallis-Shields Funeral Home website.

Henry Baker, who was a Kingston Branch member for 17 years, passed away on April 24th, 2015. An obituary can be found on theRemembering.cawebsite. Henry was chairman of our Welcome committee in 2000 and 2001. His wife Mary is also a Kingston Branch member.

Michael Lawler, an avid genealogist and member of the OGS Kingston Branch since 2013, passed away on November 23, 2014 at his home in Gananoque.An obituary appears on the website..

Barbara Vroomanpassed away on January 22, 2015. Barbara, who joined the Kingston Branch in 2008, is survived by her husband Ransom, who has been a branch member since 1991. An obituary for Barbara can be found on thewebsite of the Erb & Good Funeral Home.

Gayle Barrett, who had been a member of the OGS Kingston Branch since 1998, passed away on January 26th, 2014. She lived in Colborne, Ontario.Her obituary can be found on the website of MacCoubrey Funeral Home.

Ken Bird, who passed away in Burlington on September 22, 2014, had been a Kingston branch member for the past four years. He served as OGS President from 2000 – 2002, Executive Director from 2002 – 2005, and more recently as the Regional Director for Region IV.An obituary can be seen on the Smiths Funeral Homes website.

Marjorea Roblinserved as OGS President from 1998 to 2000 and was a long term member of the Seminar Committee and of the York Region Branch where she served in many different roles. She was also a member of the Kingston Branch, and would have received her 20-year membership certificate in November 2014. She died on Thursday, August 7, 2014. An obituary can be viewed, and condolences extended, on theToronto Starwebsite.

Hilda Manningjoined Kingston Branch in 1982 and served in several different positions, including that of Corresponding Secretary (1988,1989), Mailing Chair (1993,1994), and Membership Chair (1990,1991). She was also the Welcome Chair in 1987, and served on the mailing committee and publications committee for many years. In 2013, Hilda received a 25 year Ontario Volunteer Service award for her work with the Kingston Branch. An obituary can be found on website.

Bob Crawford, OGS Secretary, died on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, following a brief illness. Bob served as president of the Ontario Genealogical Society from 2006-2008, and has been a member of the Kingston Branch since 2001. He will be greatly missed. An obituary can be found on theToronto Star website.

Gordon Smithson U.E. d. 11 Sep 2013 Gord and his wife, Jean, joined Kingston Branch in 1976. They were both very active participants in Kingston Branch activities during the 18 years that they were members. Gord was Membership chair in 1978 and Jean was Branch Chair in 1982 and 1983. Gord was also a member of the Kingston Historical Society and was the founding President of the Pittsburgh Historical Society. Whig Standard Obituary

Gordon Smithdied August 28, 2013 in Kingston. Gordon moved to Kingston following retirement, and over the last five years he assisted the Publications Committee by transcribing and proofreading several church and cemetery publications. He also assisted Susan Smart with other OGS publications such as the nine-volume series “Index to Upper Canada Land Books.”An obituary can be found on website.

Marjorie Simmons died April 3, 2013 in Kingston. Marjorie was one of the founding members of the Kingston Branch, and served as both Chair of Kingston Branch and President of the provincial society. She was also an Honorary Member.An obituary can be found on website.

Mary Beckerdied February 2, 2013 in Kingston. Mary had renewed her membership for 2013, her 20th year of membership in Kingston Branch. An obituary can be found at website.

Fern SmalldiedJanuary 12, 2013. Fern joined Kingston Branch in its founding year, 1973. Although she lived in Ottawa, her roots were on Wolfe Island, and she and her late husband Darell were responsible for the first transcriptions of cemeteries on the island. Fern was also a co-founder of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO).

Bob CampbelldiedNovember 3, 2012. Bob joined Kingston Branch in 2002 and eagerly pursued his genealogical research — a tribute article by Patrick Kennedy in theKingston Whig-Standardof November 13, 2012 (p1 col 1 and p7 col 1-3) stated that he had 52,000 people on his family tree. Bob had not renewed his membership during the last two years of his life as he was dealing with health issues but during his time with Kingston Branch he took an active part in the transcription of Princess Street United Church records, participating in the original photocopying of church registers that made the transcriptions possible.

Mary Elizabeth “Betty” Shaw d. 11 April 2012 Betty was a charter member of Kingston Branch, joining in 1973. She remained a member until 2009. Whig Standard Obituary

Bob Billings joined Kingston Branch and OGS in 1993. In 1997 he served as Vice Chair, moving into the Chair in 1998. In 1999 he served as Recording Secretary, and in 2000 he agreed to be one-third of a triumvirate who shared the Chair’s position for the year. He was also Branch Treasurer from 2000 to 2002. While he was Chair, Bob arranged a highly successful Kingston Branch OGS 25th Anniversary Dinner at Fort Frontenac in 1998. Bob served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 33 years, ending his career as Commandant of the Land Forces Staff College at Fort Frontenac, Kingston. Bob passed away on 24 February 2012 at Kingston General Hospital. A full obituary which appeared in theKingston Whig-Standardon February 27, 2012 may be found on-line

E.L. “Larry” Fletcher, a Long-time member, died at St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, on Sunday, August 21, 2011. Larry’s working life included research at Dupont Canada in Kingston, and he carried that interest in research over to genealogy. You can see a full obituary and photograph on theKingston Whig-Standard

Margaret E. (Peg) McLean, née Urquhart, died March 15, 2011 at Providence Manor in Kingston. Peg joined the Branch in 2000, and immediately took on the role of Recording Secretary for two years, followed by two years as Welcome Chair and two as Publicity Chair. She also served for several years on the Programme Committee.
At our January, 2000 meeting Peg described her research into the lives of her two grandfathers, one a blacksmith and the other a minister. Those present thoroughly enjoyed “The Anvil and the Preacher”.For a fuller obituary, including a recording of the memorial service held on March 20, 2011,

In Memoriam | Kingston Branch, The Ontario Genealogical Society (2025)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.