Use a single integration to accept payments through one-click payment buttons.
The Express Checkout Element gives you a single integration for accepting payments through one-click payment buttons, including Link, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Amazon Pay.
Customers see different payment buttons depending on what their device and browser combination supports. Compatible devices automatically support Google Pay and Link. Supporting Apple Pay and PayPal requires additional steps.
We recommend that you collect payment details before creating an Intent when using the Express Checkout Element. If you previously integrated with the Payment Element, you might need to update your integration to this preferred approach.
Before you begin
- Add a payment method to your browser. For example, you can add a card to your Google Pay account or to your Wallet for Safari.
- Serve your application over HTTPS. This is required in development and in production. You can use a service such as ngrok.
- Register and verify your domain in both test mode and live mode.
- Create a PayPal Sandbox account to test your integration.
Enable the payment methods you want to support in your payment methods settings. You must enable at least one payment method.
By default, Stripe enables cards and other common payment methods. You can enable additional payment methods that are relevant for your business and customers. See our payment method integration options for product and payment method support and our pricing page for fees.
The Express Checkout Element is automatically available as a feature of Stripe.js. Include the Stripe.js script on your checkout page by adding it to the head of your HTML file. Always load Stripe.js directly from to remain PCI compliant. Don’t include the script in a bundle or host a copy of it yourself. checkout.html Create an instance of Stripe with the following JavaScript on your checkout page: checkout.js 'pk_test_TYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx' Then, create an instance of Elements with the mode (payment, setup, or subscription), amount, and currency. These values determine which payment methods to show to your customer. See the next step for more configurable Elements options. checkout.js<head> <title>Checkout</title> <script src=""></script></head>
// Set your publishable key: remember to change this to your live publishable key in production// See your keys here: stripe = Stripe(
const options = { mode: 'payment', amount: 1099, currency: 'usd', // Customizable by using the Appearance API. appearance: {/*...*/},};// Set up Stripe.js and Elements to use in checkout form.const elements = stripe.elements(options);
The Express Checkout Element contains an iframe that securely sends the payment information to Stripe over an HTTPS connection. The checkout page address must also start with https://
, rather than http://
, for your integration to work.
The Express Checkout Element needs a place to live on your payment page. Create an empty DOM node (container) with a unique ID in your payment form. checkout.html When the form has loaded, create an instance of the Express Checkout Element and mount it to the container DOM node: checkout.js<div id="express-checkout-element"> <!-- Express Checkout Element will be inserted here --></div><div id="error-message"> <!-- Display an error message to your customers here --></div>
// Create and mount the Express Checkout Elementconst expressCheckoutElement = elements.create('expressCheckout');expressCheckoutElement.mount('#express-checkout-element');
Handle the click event to pass options to the Express Checkout Element. After you receive the click event, disable interaction on your checkout page.
Set checkout.js Set checkout.js Listen to the shippingaddresschange event to detect when a customer selects a shipping address. You must call either checkout.js Listen to the shippingratechange event to detect when a customer selects a shipping rate. You must call either checkout.js Listen to the cancel event to detect when a customer dismisses the payment interface. Reset the amount to the initial amount. checkout.js Pass in an array of lineItems: checkout.js Learn how to configure the Apple Pay interface. You can set up recurring payments, deferred payments, or automatic reload payments when a user checks out with Apple Pay by requesting the relevant merchant token type in the Express Checkout Element Collect payer information
emailRequired: true
to collect emails, and phoneNumberRequired: true
to collect phone numbers. billingAddressRequired
is true
by default.expressCheckoutElement.on('click', (event) => { const options = { emailRequired: true, phoneNumberRequired: true }; event.resolve(options);});
Collect shipping information
shippingAddressRequired: true
and pass an array of shippingRates.expressCheckoutElement.on('click', (event) => { const options = { shippingAddressRequired: true, allowedShippingCountries: ['US'], shippingRates: [ { id: 'free-shipping', displayName: 'Free shipping', amount: 0, deliveryEstimate: { maximum: {unit: 'day', value: 7}, minimum: {unit: 'day', value: 5} } }, ] }; event.resolve(options);});
or reject
if you choose to handle this event.expressCheckoutElement.on('shippingaddresschange', async (event) => { const response = await fetch('/calculate-shipping', { data: JSON.stringify({ shippingAddress: event.address }) }); const result = await response.json(); event.resolve({ lineItems: result.updatedLineItems, });});
or reject
if you choose to handle this event.expressCheckoutElement.on('shippingratechange', async (event) => { const response = await fetch('/calculate-and-update-amount', { data: JSON.stringify({ shippingRate: event.shippingRate }) }); const result = await response.json(); elements.update({amount: result.amount}) event.resolve({ lineItems: result.updatedLineItems, });});
expressCheckoutElement.on('cancel', () => { elements.update({amount: 1099})});
Display line items
expressCheckoutElement.on('click', (event) => { const options = { lineItems: [ { name: 'Sample item', amount: 1000 }, { name: 'Tax', amount: 100 }, { name: 'Shipping cost', amount: 1000 } ] }; event.resolve(options);});
Configure the Apple Pay interface
Merchant initiated transactions (MIT)
event. We recommend implementing Apple Pay merchant tokens to align with Apple Pay’s latest guidelines and to future proof your integration.
Stripe uses a PaymentIntent object to represent your intent to collect payment from a customer, tracking charge attempts and payment state changes throughout the process.
Create a PaymentIntent on your server with an amount and currency. This must match what you set on the stripe.
instance in step 3. Always decide how much to charge on the server-side, a trusted environment, as opposed to the client-side. This prevents malicious customers from choosing their own prices.
main.rb 'sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc'require 'stripe'Stripe.api_key =
The returned PaymentIntent includes a client secret, which the client-side uses to securely complete the payment process instead of passing the entire PaymentIntent object. You can use different approaches to pass the client secret to the client-side.
Use stripe.confirmPayment to complete the payment using details from the Express Checkout Element.
For Amazon Pay, the amount you confirm in the PaymentIntent must match the amount the buyer pre-authorized to prevent the payment from being declined.
Provide a return_url to this function to indicate where Stripe should redirect the user after they complete the payment. Your user might be initially redirected to an intermediate site before being redirected to the return_
. Payments immediately redirect to the return_
when a payment is successful.
If you don’t want to redirect after payment completion, set redirect to if_
. This only redirects customers that check out with redirect-based payment methods.
checkout.jsconst handleError = (error) => { const messageContainer = document.querySelector('#error-message'); messageContainer.textContent = error.message;}expressCheckoutElement.on('confirm', async (event) => { const {error: submitError} = await elements.submit(); if (submitError) { handleError(submitError); return; } // Create the PaymentIntent and obtain clientSecret const res = await fetch('/create-intent', { method: 'POST', }); const {client_secret: clientSecret} = await res.json(); const {error} = await stripe.confirmPayment({ // `elements` instance used to create the Express Checkout Element elements, // `clientSecret` from the created PaymentIntent clientSecret, confirmParams: { return_url: '', }, }); if (error) { // This point is only reached if there's an immediate error when // confirming the payment. Show the error to your customer (for example, payment details incomplete) handleError(error); } else { // The payment UI automatically closes with a success animation. // Your customer is redirected to your `return_url`. }});
Before you go live, test each payment method integration. To determine a payment method’s browser compatibility, see supported browsers. If you use the Express Checkout Element within an iframe, the iframe must have the allow attribute set to payment *
Don’t store real user data in test mode Link accounts. Treat them as if they’re publicly available, because these test accounts are associated with your publishable key. Currently, Link only works with credit cards, debit cards, and qualified US bank account purchases. Link requires domain registration. You can create test mode accounts for Link using any valid email address. The following table shows the fixed one-time passcode values that Stripe accepts for authenticating test mode accounts:Caution
Value Outcome Any other 6 digits not listed below Success 000001 Error, code invalid 000002 Error, code expired 000003 Error, max attempts exceeded
Stripe collects information on customer interactions with Elements to provide services to you, prevent fraud, and improve its services. This includes using cookies and IP addresses to identify which Elements a customer saw during a single checkout session. You’re responsible for disclosing and obtaining all rights and consents necessary for Stripe to use data in these ways. For more information, visit our privacy center.
See also
- Stripe Elements
- Collect payment details before creating an Intent
- Finalize payments on the server