9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout) (2024)

You might think that growing your biceps with resistance bands is impossible, but you would be wrong. Training your biceps with resistance bands can trigger growth by providing a different stimulus than you can achieve with free weights or cables.

Some of the best resistance band bicep exercises include standing curls, wide-grip curls, hammer curls, reverse-grip curls, Bayesian curls, and band-assisted chin-ups. Including some of these in your training will develop both bicep heads, the brachialis, which lies underneath the bicep, and your brachioradialis.

Knowing how to perform these and other movements with a resistance band is crucial for getting the right amount of tension to improve muscle activation, grow, and reduce the risk of injury.

Key Takeaways

  • The biceps, which have a long outer and short inner head, make up the front upper portion of the upper arms and are responsible for elbow flexion and wrist supination.
  • Performing bicep exercises with a resistance band can lead to greater activation and intense peak contractions because of increased tension as the band stretches.
  • To perform bicep exercises correctly it’s important to keep the elbows stationary and allow the forearm to rotate about the joint.

  • Anatomy of the Bicep Muscles

    The biceps, also known as biceps brachii, are two-headed muscles that make up the upper front portion of the arms and are primarily responsible for:

    • Elbow flexion (bending the arm)
    • Wrist supination (rotating your wrists out)

    The muscle consists of a short inner and long outer head that run parallel and work together during all activities that involve the biceps.

    Both bicep heads originate from the scapula (shoulder blade) and insert into the elbow, which means your shoulder position can influence bicep activation.

    For example, having your arms behind your upper body, such as during an incline dumbbell curl, emphasizes the long bicep head and leads to a more significant stretch.

    Traditional bicep curls are the simplest way to train the biceps, but you can also target these muscles with compound pulling movements because they require elbow flexion. Such activities include bent-over barbell rows, pull-ups, and lat pulldowns.

    Also worth mentioning is the brachialis, a deep muscle that lies underneath the bicep and assists with elbow flexion. When developed, the brachialis pushes the bicep up, leading to a more prominent peak.

    Benefits of Training the Biceps With Bands

    9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout) (1)

    Here are five reasons why you should do at least some of your bicep work with bands:

    • Stronger bicep contractions. Bands have linear variable resistance (LVR), which is a fancy way of saying they offer more resistance as they lengthen.

      The gradually increasing resistance makes the top portion of bicep exercises more challenging, forcing the biceps to contract harder than they would using cables or free-weights.

    • Greater muscle activation. Bands can be an excellent alternative to free weights for improving muscle activation and helping lifters establish a mind-muscle connection with their biceps.
    • Constant tension. Bands keep your biceps engaged throughout the entire range of motion, never giving them time to rest. In addition to supporting muscle activation, constant tension can lead to a stronger muscle stimulus, potentially resulting in more growth.
    • Increased potential for overloading. Bands cover a range of tension levels, which means you can select the resistance that fits your abilities. You can use these different levels of resistance to add more volume and intensity to your bicep training by incorporating drop sets or supersets.
    • Low risk of using momentum. Free weights make it easier to swing your body and lift more weight by “cheating the movement”, which isn’t ideal.

      In contrast, since bands provide more resistance as they lengthen, it’s more difficult to use momentum because the initial force wouldn’t be enough to continue stretching the band and overcoming its increasing resistance.

    Related Articles:

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    • Best Neck Training Exercises With Resistance Bands

    9 Best Bicep Exercises With Bands

    1. Standing Band Curl

    The standing band curl is a simple and effective movement you can perform with a looped or open-ended resistance band. Having the palms positioned forward keeps most of the tension on the biceps, as opposed to the forearms.

    How To:

    a) Step on your resistance band with both feet and grab the other end of the band in both hands.

    b) Stand tall, bring your chest out, and rotate your wrists out for your palms to face forward.

    c) Engage your abs and inhale.

    d)Bend your arms slowly until your wrists are slightly higher than your elbows. Keep your elbows glued to your sides, not allowing them to travel forward or back as you do reps.

    e) Pause briefly at the top and slowly extend your arms back to that starting position as you exhale.

      Pro tip: To increase the amount of resistance without changing bands, step your feet further apart and/or cross the band into an “X” before gripping it as normal.

      Related Article:10 Best Tricep Exercises With Bands (+ Sample Workout)

      2. Wide-Grip Band Curls

      The wide-grip band curl is identical to the previous movement, with the primary difference being that your forearm position is shifted to the side. Pointing your forearms outward during a curl emphasizes the short (inner) bicep head.

      How To:

      a) Take an open-ended band and step over the middle.

      b) Grab the handles, stand tall, bring your elbows to your sides, and point your forearms forward and out.

      c) Take a breath and bend both arms, squeezing your biceps at the top.

      d) Slowly extend your arms and exhale.

      Pro tip: Do each repetition slowly and with good control, extending your arms fully on the way down and squeezing your biceps in the top position, ensuring the elbows stay stationary.

      3. Close-Grip Band Curls

      In contrast to the previous movement, using a close grip allows you to focus more on the outer portion of the bicep––the long head.

      How To:

      a) Take a looped band and step over its middle.

      b) Cross the band so it forms an “X” then grab the band with both hands, lean forward slightly, and position your elbows in front of your stomach with your hands a few inches apart.

      c) Engage your abs, breathe in, and bend your arms slowly, squeezing your biceps at the top position.

      d) Hold briefly and slowly extend your arms fully as you exhale.

        Pro tip: To increase the difficulty of this movement without changing bands, step your feet further apart.

        4. Band Drag Curl

        The band drag curl forces your elbows to travel behind your body, which can lead to greater long-head activation. I prefer to do the drag curl using a band attached to a dowel or PVC pipe, but you could also do it with the band by itself.

        How To:

        a) Grab a looped resistance band, and loop each end over a dowel, PVC pipe, or even a broom handle.

        b) Step down on the middle of the band with both feet. Stand tall and hold the dowel (or other equipment) in both hands with your palms facing away from you.

        c) Bring your chest out and engage your abs.

        d) Take a breath and bend your arms, dragging the dowel against your stomach and allowing your elbows to travel behind your body.

        e) Squeeze your biceps at the top position, hold momentarily, and extend your arms back down to the start position as you exhale.

        Pro tip: Try to keep your wrists neutral to prevent them from bending backwards as you perform the rep. Additionally, do a slow eccentric (lowering) phase to keep tension on your biceps and improve the mind-muscle connection.

        5. Band Hammer Curl

        Hammer curls are a variation where you keep your wrists neutral (palms facing one another). The neutral hand position of the banded hammer curls emphasizes the long bicep head, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis (a forearm muscle).

        How To:

        a) Grab a looped resistance band with both hands.

        b) Lean forward and step over the opposite end of the band.

        c) Stand tall and position your arms to your sides with your palms facing your thighs.

        d) Bring your chest out, take a deep breath, and bend your elbows until your wrists are slightly higher than your elbows.

        e) Pause at the top position and slowly extend your arms as you exhale.

          Pro tip: Keep your elbows locked at your sides to improve bicep activation. Moving your elbows forward and back can shorten the range of motion, making the movement less effective.

          6. Band Reverse-Grip Curl

          Reverse-grip curls are a variation where you bend and extend your elbows while having your palms facing downward (pronation). This hand position increases forearm activation while also working the biceps.

          How To:

          a) Grab a looped band with an overhand grip (palms facing down).

          b) Step over the opposite end of the band.

          c) Stand tall and position your elbows to your sides.

          d) Take a deep breath and bend your arms slowly while keeping your elbows to your sides.

          e) Pause briefly at the top, squeezing your biceps.

          f) Slowly extend your arms as you exhale.

            Pro tip: Try to keep your wrists neutral as you pull the band upward into the curl to keep the focus on your biceps.

            7. Band Crucifix Curl

            Band crucifix curls are an excellent single-arm exercise that improves bicep activation. To perform these, you must raise your arm to the side, bringing your elbow to just below shoulder level.

            How To:

            a) Attach a looped or open-ended band in a high position––for example, by using a door anchor or looping one end over the top of a squat rack frame.

            b) Grab the bottom portion of the band with one hand, stand sideways, and take a few lateral steps away to stretch out the band.

            c) Raise your arm to your side, bringing your elbow to shoulder level.

            d) Bring your chest out, engage your abs, and inhale.

            e) Bend your arm, bringing your hand closer to your head, and pause momentarily.

            f) Slowly extend your arm and exhale.

            g) Once finished training one bicep, turn to your other side, and do the same number of reps for your other arm.

              Pro tip: A full range of motion means bringing your fist an inch or two from your face before fully extending your arm to the side.

              8. Band-Assisted Chin-Up

              Chin-ups are a compound exercise that primarily trains the back. However, because of the grip, the activity is also highly beneficial for the biceps, allowing trainees to target the muscle group with more weight.

              How To:

              a)Wrap one end of a looped resistance band over a horizontal pull-up bar. The other end of the band should hang like a noose. The thicker the band is, the more it helps during pull-ups.

              b) Step over the band with one or both feet, reach up, and grab the pull-up bar with an underhand grip (palms facing back). Your hands should be shoulder-width apart.

              c) Bring your shoulders back, take a deep breath, and engage your abs.

              d) Pull yourself up in one fluid motion, bringing your chin over the bar. Squeeze your biceps at the top.

              e) Slowly lower yourself and exhale.

              Pro tip: Don’t rely too much on band support. The band should offer some help but make sure your back and biceps are still doing most of the work. It shouldn’t feel like the band is skyrocketing you over the bar.

              9. Bayesian Band Curl

              The Bayesian curl is an effective bicep exercise created and popularized by Menno Henselmans. With this curl variation, the band is anchored behind your body, which stretches the bicep significantly and could trigger more growth.

              Menno’s advice is to:

              “bend forwards slightly as you flex your biceps to get a good full contraction. Then you lean back again as you lower the weight to fully stretch the biceps."

              -Menno Henselmans, physique coach, researcher, and best-selling author

              How To:

              a) Attach a looped or open-ended resistance band somewhere low. You can tie one end on the leg of a couch or use a door anchor.

              b) Grab the opposite end of the band with one hand and turn away from the attachment point.

              c) Take a couple of steps forward to stretch the band, stagger your stance, and allow your arm to be pulled behind your upper body.

              d) Stand tall, breathe in, and bend your arm, squeezing your biceps.

              e) Pause briefly and extend your arm as you exhale.

              f) Once finished training one bicep, grab the band with your other hand, and do the same number of reps.

              Pro tip: Keep your working arm behind your body from start to finish. Resist the urge to bring your elbow forward as you bend your arm for each repetition.

              Sample Bicep Workout Routine With Bands

              Here is an effective resistance band bicep routine you can do with some of the above exercises:




              Rest Period

              Band-Assisted Chin-up


              To failure

              150-180 seconds

              Band Hammer Curl



              90-120 seconds

              Wide-Grip Band Curl



              60-90 seconds

              If you’re training your biceps multiple times per week, then make an effort to switch up the exercises on different days to ensure you’re targeting your biceps from all angles.

              Best Bands For Training Your Biceps

              9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout) (2)


              I recommend theGymreapers Military Resistance Band Set for effective bicep training at home and on the road.

              These bands are ideal for pumping up the bicep for three reasons:

              1. You can use these bands for all nine of the exercises I discussed and many others. You can pick from dozens of effective movements for your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and most other major muscle groups.
              2. Each band covers a specific tension range, allowing you to adjust the resistance to fit your current abilities.

                For example, the lightest band offers up to 35 lbs of resistance, and the remaining four go up to 60, 80, 120, and 150 lbs. You can challenge yourself now and provide the necessary overload as you get stronger.

              3. These bands are light and compact, which means they won’t take up too much space if you have a small home gym and they are easy to take with you when you’re traveling. The set also comes with a bag, providing a convenient storage option.

              Plus, the Gymreapers bands are made of high-quality elastic material and will last a long time, even with regular use.

              9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout) (2024)


              9 Best Resistance Band Bicep Exercises (+ Sample Workout)? ›

              Resistance bands can help you build strength and muscle without weights or a gym. For stronger, more muscular arms, focus on targeting muscles like biceps, triceps, and deltoids. Maintain proper form and progress the exercises each week for best results, a trainer says.

              Do resistance bands help build biceps? ›

              Resistance bands can help you build strength and muscle without weights or a gym. For stronger, more muscular arms, focus on targeting muscles like biceps, triceps, and deltoids. Maintain proper form and progress the exercises each week for best results, a trainer says.

              What is the number 1 best bicep exercise? ›

              The Weighted Chin Up is the best biceps exercise for hitting all three functions (elbow supination, elbow flexion and shoulder flexion) of the biceps with overload. This exercise will help you build strong arm muscles as well as build muscle mass and should be a mainstay in all your upper body workouts.

              What 3 exercises should I do for biceps? ›

              Preacher Curl (short head) Single Arm High Cable Bicep Curl (short head) Chin Ups (long / short head depending on grip)

              What exercises work the bicep peak with resistance bands? ›

              Resistance Band Bicep Workout
              1. Assisted Chin Ups: 3 sets x 4-8 reps.
              2. Single Arm Hammer Curls: 3 sets x 12 reps - medium resistance.
              3. Reverse Grip Bicep Curls X Two-Handed Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps (each exercise) - light/medium resistance.
              Apr 28, 2023

              Which is better for biceps dumbbells or resistance bands? ›

              Resistance bands are excellent for rehab work and training hard-to-reach muscles, while dumbbells are better for building visible muscles. Combining resistance bands and dumbbells can help you get more out of your workouts.

              Are resistance band bicep curls effective? ›

              Area Targeted: Biceps

              Sure, Biceps Curls With Dumbbells are good. Band curls are better! Since bands provide more tension at the end of your reps you will get the right amount of resistance at the optimal time. Bigger guns ahead!

              What is the king of all bicep exercises? ›

              Brace your core as you curl the bar up to your chest, keeping your elbows pinned to your waist. Return under control to the start position. Why: The barbell bicep curl is the king of arm exercises, and for good reason. You'll be able to load the bar with additional weight, but be sensible, and try to avoid momentum.

              Is 3 exercises enough for biceps? ›

              If you are doing a dumbbell arm workout at an advanced level, especially for an experienced lifter, doing 3-4 different bicep exercises should be adequate for muscle growth. You will likely want to experiment with different curl variations and incorporate intensity techniques for an advanced workout.

              What exercise gives the most bicep activation? ›

              Cable curl (~81% activation) Chin-up (~80% activation) Barbell curl (~76% activation)

              What is 21 exercise for biceps? ›

              There's a classic biceps exercise known simply as “21s”. The execution is simple enough: you perform 7 half-curls stopping halfway up, 7 half-curls stopping halfway down, and finally, 7 curls through a full range of motion — 21 total reps, using the same weight all the way through, with no rest in between.

              Does 5x5 build biceps? ›

              So we'll use the average of 7.5 sets/week for biceps. Adding Biceps/Abs assistance work to Stronglifts 5×5 increases the volume for your biceps by 10 sets per week. This extra volume comes from adding Pullups to workout A and Barbell Curls to workout B.

              Is 20 sets for biceps too much? ›

              If you've been training properly for less than a year, perform 10-15 sets per muscle group per week. If you've been training properly for one to five years, perform 15-20 sets per week. If you're very advanced and have been training properly for over five years, perform 20-25 sets per week.

              Can you really build muscle with resistance bands? ›

              Do resistance bands build muscle? Absolutely. In fact, a 2019 study shows that training using resistance bands provides similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment. “Resistance bands might not look like much, but they can strengthen your muscles as effectively as more traditional weights,” says Travers.

              Do resistance bands help build arm muscle? ›

              Absolutely! Resistance bands provide constant tension throughout the exercises, challenging your muscles and promoting muscle growth. They offer a wide range of resistance levels, allowing you to adjust the intensity of your workout.

              Can you build big arms with bands? ›

              That's one reason bands are so effective for building size and strength – they provide less resistance early in the range when your muscles are unable to budge a heavy load, and then more resistance during stronger portions of the lift. You don't get this phenomenon with free weights.

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              Author: Otha Schamberger

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              Name: Otha Schamberger

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              Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.