3 Top Detox Soup Recipes to Promote Alkalinity (2024)

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  • Home » Daily » Nutrition » 3 Top Detox Soup Recipes to Promote Alkalinity


    Alkaline-promoting vegetables can be used to create a detox soup or broth that can you can use daily or when you want to cleanse and detoxify.

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    By UHN Staff•January 18, 2018

    3 Top Detox Soup Recipes to Promote Alkalinity (1)

    Alkaline-promoting vegetables can be used to create a detox soup or broth.

    © Grazvydas | Dreamstime.com

    The contemporary Western diet, heavy in meats and grains, is highly acidic. Many of us are now walking around in a state of chronic, low-grade “acidosis.” This long-term acidic load takes a toll on our health. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, generally promote alkalinity. Some vegetables are especially high in potassium or have other alkalinizing properties. Alkaline-promoting vegetables can be used to create a detox soup or broth that can you can use daily or when you want to cleanse and detoxify.

    Acid-Alkaline Balance and Detoxification

    One important bodily function that depends on acid-alkaline balance is detoxification. The elimination of toxins is enhanced when the urine is more alkaline. The pH balance of the urine is a good marker for the body’s total net acid or alkaline load and is altered by diet.

    Through the process of “ion trapping,” alkaline urine prevents the reabsorption of toxins through renal tubules of the kidneys. Hence, much focus in integrative and naturopathic medicine is on returning the body to a more balanced acid-alkaline state through the use of alkalinizing dietary therapies.

    Many detoxification protocols incorporate the use of vegetable broths, which have very alkalinizing effects on the body. The following three detox soup and broth recipes will help make the pH balance of the body more alkaline and thus aid in detoxification.

    Top 3 Detox Soup Recipes

    Below are the ingredients and step-by-step directions for a trio of effective detox soups.

    1. Alkaline Detox Soup or Broth

    This recipe comes from the Nutrition Department at Bastyr Natural Health Clinic.


    • 2 quarts filtered water
    • 3 stalks celery or bok choy
    • 3 carrots
    • 1 large onion
    • 1 small beet, peeled
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 6 small/medium potatoes, unpeeled
    • 1 cup fresh spinach leaves
    • ¼ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
    • Pinch of sage


    1. Wash all vegetables. Do not peel if organic (except beets).
    2. Coarsely chop all the vegetables.
    3. Cover with water in a non-aluminum pot; add sage. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and allow to simmer, covered, until broth has a rich flavor, about 20 minutes.
    4. Strain and drink hot or cold.

    *For a heartier broth, remove ½ veggies, blend in blender or food processor, and return to soup.

    2. Bieler Detox Soup or Broth

    Henry Bieler, MD, was a pioneering promoter of nutritional medicine and author of the 1965 classic Food Is Your Best Medicine. Variations of his Bieler broth recipe can be found all over the Internet. Like the recipe above, this version was adapted from Bastyr Natural Health Clinic’s Nutrition Department.


    • Celery, cut into chunks
    • Green Beans
    • Zucchini and yellow squash, cut into chunks
    • Spinach
    • 1 generous handful parsley
    • 1 small handful of cilantro


      1. Wash veggies.
      2. Combine equal amounts of the above vegetables and steam in a steamer basket. Make sure the water is below the level of the vegetables.
      3. Steam for a few minutes until vegetables are cooked but still slightly crunchy.
      4. Combine vegetables, water, and herbs in a blender and puree until smooth to the consistency of pea soup (you may add more water or broth for a thinner consistency, if desired).

    Some recipes for Bieler broth also call for the addition of a small amount of unsalted organic raw butter or extra virgin olive oil after cooking. Also, for variety and taste, you can try adding garlic, onions, cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric or cumin.

    3. Dr. Mark Hyman’s UltraBroth

    Dr. Hyman is a popular MD who specializes in functional medicine. This is his version of an alkalinizing detox broth, which can be found on his website.


    • 3 quarts filtered water
    • 1 large onion, chopped
    • 2 carrots, sliced
    • 1 cup daikon or white radish root and tops (ideal, but optional), coarsely chopped
    • 1 cup winter squash, cut into large cubes
    • 1 cup root vegetables: turnips, parsnips, and rutabagas (for sweetness), coarsely chopped
    • 2 cups chopped greens: kale, parsley, beet greens, collard greens, chard, dandelion, cilantro or other greens
    • 2 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
    • ½ cup seaweed: nori, dulse, wakame, kelp, or kombu
    • ½ cup cabbage, coarsely chopped
    • 4 ½-inch slices of fresh ginger
    • 2 cloves of whole garlic (not chopped or crushed)
    • Sea salt, to taste
    • 1 cup fresh or dried shiitake or maitake mushrooms (if available; these contain powerful immune boosting properties.)


    1. Add all of the ingredients at once and place on a low boil for approximately 60 minutes. It may take a little longer.
    2. Simply continue to boil to taste.
    3. Cool, strain, and discard cooked vegetables.

    Dr. Hyman recommends storing in a large, tightly-sealed glass container in the fridge and simply heating gently and drinking up to 3–4 cups a day.

    [1] Altern Therap. 2007 Jul/Aug;13(4):62-65.

    [2] Bastyr Center for Natural Health. Nutrition Team Care. Detoxification Broths. Patient Handout. Accessed 1-14-14.

    [3] http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/30/recipe-ultrabroth/

    This article was published in 2014 and has been updated.

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    Tags: add, beets, carrots, cooking, cumin, detox broth, detox soup, detoxification, detoxify, diet, food, garlic, ginger, health, integrative, kale, natural health, naturopathic, naturopathic medicine, nutrition, organic, potassium, potatoes, recipe, spinach, toxins, turmeric, vegetables, western diet

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    3 Top Detox Soup Recipes to Promote Alkalinity (2024)


    What is an alkaline detox? ›

    The alkaline diet basically reinforces good, old-fashioned healthy eating. The diet recommends eating more vegetables, fruits and drinking lots of water and cutting back on sugar, alcohol, meat and processed foods.

    Are soups acidic or alkaline? ›

    The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A compound is considered acidic if the pH value is below 7, neutral if it is 7, and basic when higher than 7. The pH value of chicken soup is below 7 and of water 7. Thus, chicken soup is acidic, and water is neutral.

    Which soup is good for acidity? ›

    Eggplant & Garlic Soup - Often those with GERD can tolerate roasted garlic, as in this dish. Fish Soup with Yams - This recipe contains onions, but they are cooked long enough that those with GERD should be able to tolerate them. Iced Cucumber Soup - This soup should be safe for GERD.

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    Chicken noodle soup can be OK for GERD if it's made using the dietary guidelines for this condition. That means avoiding onions or garlic and substituting traditional noodles with whole-grain noodles or using no noodles at all. You can also trade cream bases for broth bases or use nonfat dairy substitutes.

    How can I Alkalize my body fast? ›

    There's no fast way to alkalize your body, nor is there conclusive evidence that this is necessary. Your body's pH levels are tightly controlled, and food doesn't affect blood pH very much. It may have some impact on urine pH.

    What to drink to alkalize the body? ›

    What drinks are alkaline? Popular alkaline drinks include water, dairy, some juices, some teas, and almond milk. What are the benefits? A 2013 study found that an alkaline diet might improve muscle health.

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    Miso is alkaline as opposed to acidic coffee, sweets, alcohol and meats. A cup of miso in the morning in place of coffee and a bowl of miso complementing other meals will help counterbalance the negative effects of acidic intake.

    Which fruit is most alkaline? ›

    Dates- Dates are one of the most highly alkaline fruits you can eat. It's a great source of fiber and it is rich in manganese, B6 magnesium and copper. They are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids and is beneficial in brain health. Grapes- Grapes alkalinity vary by the climate in which it is grown.

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    Alkaline diet foods
    • Fruits, such as apples, cherries, pineapple, avocado, bananas, apricots, and cantaloupe.
    • Non-starchy vegetables, such as broccoli, beets, asparagus, leafy greens, garlic, carrots, and cabbage.
    • Unsweetened fruit juices.
    • Mineral water and herbal teas.
    Feb 12, 2024

    Which foods neutralize stomach acid? ›

    No food will neutralize stomach acid, but oatmeal can help absorb it so that it doesn't return to the esophagus. Other foods, such as bananas, may be less likely to trigger stomach acid than others, for instance, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

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    Tomatoes and Tomato-Based Products:

    Tomatoes and tomato-based products like tomato sauces, ketchup, and salsa are also highly acidic and can trigger acid reflux symptoms.

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    Chicken broth

    If your throat is sore and irritated from acid reflux, you might need to eat soft and watery foods for a while. Broth-based soups and chicken broth can be soothing and the extra water can dilute stomach acid. Make sure it's not too hot so it doesn't burn your sore throat.

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    Lean meats – chicken and turkey are low-fat and can reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Fish – oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and trout, are packed full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids – good fats! Other sources of healthy fats include walnuts, flaxseed, olive oil and avocados.

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    Low in fat, egg whites are easier to digest, so they may be less likely to trigger your GERD. However, egg yolks are high in fat, so may increase your chances of getting acid reflux. If you want to include eggs in your diet, you could consider removing the yolks first.

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    Peanut butter is not generally a common trigger food for acid reflux, and those with GERD may want to include it as a source of monounsaturated fat. A person can eat peanut butter in moderation as part of a balanced diet. If people find that peanut butter triggers acid reflux, they may need to limit or avoid it.

    What does alkaline do to your body? ›

    Alkaline water has a higher pH level than that of plain tap water. So proponents say that it can neutralize acid in your bloodstream. Some say that alkaline water can help prevent disease, such as cancer and heart disease. However, more research is needed to verify these claims.

    What are the signs your body is to alkaline? ›

    • Confusion (can progress to stupor or coma)
    • Hand tremor.
    • Lightheadedness.
    • Muscle twitching.
    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Numbness or tingling in the face, hands, or feet.
    • Prolonged muscle spasms (tetany)
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    Alkaline cleaning agents contain strong bases like sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Bleach (pH 12) and ammonia (pH 11) are common alkaline cleaning agents. Often, dispersants, to prevent redeposition of dissolved dirt, and chelants, to attack rust, are added to the alkaline agent.

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    Yes, in Las Vegas, alkaline water for detox is beneficial. It's thought to provide better hydration than regular water thanks to its smaller molecular content, which allows for easier cell absorption. Enhanced hydration is crucial for flushing out toxins and facilitating the body's natural detoxification processes.

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