10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (2024)

In this article: Discover the best yoga poses for the Solar Plexus chakra and their benefits!

It’s time to unlock the potential of the solar plexus and reap its rewards! Known as Manipura in Sanskrit, your solar plexus is a powerhouse of energy.

It’s said to be the center for willpower, confidence, and mental agility – not to mention controlling your digestion.

To ensure it stays healthy and active, you can try yoga poses that are specifically aimed at keeping your solar plexus firing on all cylinders.

You’ll find strength both mentally and physically while discovering how this ultimately influences your well-being.

Read on to learn more about the third energy center and discover the ten best yoga poses for the solar plexus chakra.

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Table of Contents

Solar Plexus Chakra Characteristics

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Quality: Inner Power

Gland: Pancreas

Nerve Plexus: Coeliac Plexus

Body Parts: Digestive Organs, Stomach, Small Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen

Physical Ailments: GI Issues, Food Allergies, Diabetes, Gallstones, Ulcers, Hepatitis, Liver Complaints

Signs of a Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance

When your chakras are working too fast or too slow, this results in an imbalance, causing disruptive energy that can manifest both physically and mentally.

If you are experiencing signs of a solar plexus chakra imbalance, there are several things you can do to help restore balance and bring harmony back into your life.

One of the most effective strategies is to practice mindfulness and meditation on a regular basis.

This can help you become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, giving you greater control over how you react in different situations.

Excessive Solar Plexus Chakra

If your solar plexus is spinning too fast, it creates an excess of energy.

Signs of an excessive solar plexus chakra imbalance include excessive feelings of anger, irritability, and aggression.

You may also experience some physical manifestations such as ulcers, liver problems, hepatitis, or other gastrointestinal complaints.

Deficient Solar Plexus Chakra

On the other hand, when your solar plexus is not working hard or fast enough, you may experience a deficient imbalance.

Symptoms of a deficient solar plexus include difficulty making decisions or setting boundaries, poor self-confidence, and chronic stress or anxiety.

Some physical manifestations of a deficient solar plexus chakra include gallstones, ruptured spleen, diabetes, or some food allergies.

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra

Now that we know more about the third energy center and its function, let’s find out what are the best yoga poses for opening your solar plexus chakra.

1. Breath of Fire – Kapalabhati

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (1)

Kapalabhati is a vigorous, powerful pranayama (breathing) practice that strengthens the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, and even the heart as it connects us with our inner fire.

It also helps increase lung capacity, making it an ideal pranayama for anyone who has asthma or other breathing difficulties.

The practice itself is simple, but it can be quite intense at first.

With regular practice, however, you will notice that you become stronger and more energized with each subsequent session.

To begin Kapalabhati, sit comfortably in a cross-legged position or on your knees. Keep your spine tall and straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and clear your mind.

When you are ready, start by taking a slow, deep inhalation through the nose.

As you exhale, forcefully expel the breath out of your lungs with a quick burst of air.

It is important to keep the inhale steady and natural, so avoid using your abdominal muscles to create the inhalation.

Rather, allow the air to enter your nostrils naturally. Repeat this process several times.

As you get more comfortable with Kapalabhati and the movements become easier, you can increase the speed of your exhale while maintaining a steady, comfortable rhythm.

Continue for one to three minutes before gradually reducing the speed of your breathing and returning to normal.

Have some tissues handy nearby in case you need to wipe or blow your nose following the pranayama.

2. Chair Pose – Utkatasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (2)

Chair pose, or Utkatasana, can help open up the Manipura chakra by bringing awareness and focus to it.

To do the chair pose, start by standing tall and grounding your feet firmly into the ground.

Next, bend your knees and lift your arms up into the air so that your upper arms are in line with your ears.

Then, lean forward slightly as you continue to breathe deeply and draw energy up through your core and into your solar plexus chakra.

Hold this pose for several breaths. You should start feeling the tightness or tension in your lower body releasing.

Your feet and knees should be aligned. Do not have your feet touching and your knees hip-width-distance or vice versa.

Chair pose is a great way to activate and open up the solar plexus chakra and get in touch with your inner strength, power, and confidence.

By focusing on this energy center while doing the pose, you can revitalize both your body and mind and have more control over your life.

3. Plank Pose – Kumbhakasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (3)

Plank Pose, or Kumbhakasana, brings your body into a solid, straight line from head to toe.

This helps activate and balance the solar plexus chakra and creates a fire in your abdominals.

To do this pose, start by standing at the top of your mat with your feet together and your hands at your sides.

Inhale as you bring your palms together in front of your chest, then exhale as you step back into a high plank position.

Keep your arms straight and your heels pressing back.

Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels, with your shoulders stacked above your wrists and hips at the same level as your shoulders.

Focus on keeping your core engaged while you hold this pose for several breaths.

With regular practice of Plank Pose, you can build strength and confidence in both body and mind, helping activate your solar plexus chakra and harness its energy for self-assurance and inner power.

4. Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (4)

To perform Downward Facing Dog, start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees.

Then, inhale as you press into your hands and feet to lift your hips up towards the ceiling and send your thighs back.

You can keep your knees bent if needed or straighten them for a deeper stretch.

Hold the pose for several breaths, breathing deeply and focusing on the energy of the solar plexus chakra.

Practicing Downward Facing Dog regularly can help open and balance your solar plexus chakra, giving you a sense of inner strength and confidence.

It can also improve digestion, increase energy levels, and help with anxiety or depression.

5. Revolved Crescent Lunge – Parivrtta Ashta Chandrasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (5)

Revolved Crescent Lunge is a powerful yoga pose that opens the solar plexus chakra.

Practicing this pose can help strengthen this vital energy center, allowing you to feel more confident, grounded, and secure in yourself.

To perform Revolved Crescent Lunge from Downward Dog, take your left foot forward. Bend your left knee to create a 90-degree angle and raise your arms to the sky in a lunge.

After you’ve found your footing, take your hands together in prayer position in front of your heart.

Take a deep breath in, and twist to the left, taking your outer right arm to the outside of your left thigh.

Keep your back leg straight and your back heel active.

Hold the pose for a few breaths, then inhale and return to standing as you straighten both legs. Repeat on the other side, starting with the right foot forward.

6. Warrior I – Virabhadrasana I

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (6)

When practicing Warrior I, you focus on activating the solar plexus chakra by breathing deeply and engaging your core muscles to create stability and strength.

This yoga pose also opens your hips, stretches your legs and ankles, strengthens your knees, and improves posture.

To do Warrior I from Crescent Lunge, ground your back foot so that your front heel and back arch of your feet are aligned.

Extend your arms straight above your head and stay active through your fingertips.

Maintain a 90-degree angle in your front leg, keeping your back leg strong and the outer edge of your back foot grounded.

Hold this pose for several deep breaths while focusing on activating the solar plexus chakra.

With regular practice of this pose, you can build confidence and self-esteem while opening up new possibilities for yourself through increased vitality and personal power.

7. Revolved Triangle Pose – Parivrtta Trikonasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (7)

Revolved Triangle Pose is another great yoga posture that activates the solar plexus chakra.

It opens the chest to improve breathing, strengthens your legs, and can also relieve mild back pain.

To practice revolved triangle pose from Warrior I, straighten your front leg and turn your back toes at a 45-degree angle.

Take a deep inhale and reach toward your front toes with the opposite arm, creating a twisted triangle shape. Extend your other arm up to the sky.

Practicing this pose regularly will definitely help you open your solar plexus and promote feelings of confidence and self-assurance.

8. Boat Pose – Paripurna Navasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (8)

Next on our list is Boat Pose. This powerful pose strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles, providing support for your core and improving posture.

It also improves digestion and may help relieve stress and anxiety.

To perform Boat Pose, start in a seated position with your legs extended in front of you, and feet flexed.

Engage your core, bringing your arms either straight out in front of you or along the sides of your body with palms facing down.

Inhale as you slowly lift your legs from your hips, keeping a slight bend in the knees if needed.

Straighten the legs if it’s accessible.

Hold for several deep breaths and then slowly lower your legs and torso back to the ground.

Repeat as many times as you’d like, breathing slowly and deeply throughout.

9. Bow Pose – Dhanurasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (9)

Bow Pose helps open up your third energy center by stretching it and providing a sense of strength and focus.

This pose is more advanced, so I wouldn’t recommend trying it if you’re a beginner.

To practice Bow Pose, start by lying on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you.

Slowly reach back and grab the outer edges of your feet.

Then, pull them gently toward your body while lifting your upper body off the ground at the same time.

Keep breathing deeply as you hold this pose for a few seconds, refocusing on the energy of the solar plexus chakra.

10. Seated Twist – Ardha Matsyendrasana

10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (10)

The last pose you can try is Seated Twist.

The first step in performing this pose is to sit down comfortably on the ground with your legs outstretched in front of you.

With your legs extended, bend your right knee and bring your right foot to the outside of your left thigh.

Next, draw your left heel back toward your right hip. You can use a strap or your hands to help support yourself if needed.

Once you are in the correct position, slowly twist your torso to the right, making sure you keep your spine lengthened.

Hug your right knee with your left arm.

Your gaze should be directed over your right shoulder, your focus should be on the energy created in your abdomen.

Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer, then switch legs and repeat the pose on the other side.

Bottom line

As we’ve learned, the solar plexus chakra is intimately linked with our ability to feel confident and in control of our lives.

By keeping this chakra healthy and balanced, we can maintain our personal power and avoid feeling like a victim of our circ*mstances.

The best yoga poses for solar plexus chakra health are those that stimulate or calm this area, depending on what state it’s in.

Now that you know how to identify an imbalanced solar plexus chakra and the best yoga poses to rectify the problem, which ones will you try out? Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

Discover more yoga poses to balance the chakras:

  • Yoga poses for the Root chakra
  • Yoga poses for the Sacral chakra
  • Yoga poses for the Heart chakra
  • Yoga poses for the Throat chakra
  • Yoga poses for the Third Eye chakra
  • Yoga poses for the Crown chakra
10 Yoga Poses For Opening The Solar Plexus Chakra - Everything Yoga Retreat (2024)


What yoga poses are good for the solar plexus chakra? ›

Yoga poses for solar plexus chakra:

Dhanurasana (bow pose) Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fire. High Lunge Twist with Anjali mudra (prayer pose)

How do you unblock the solar plexus chakra fast? ›

How to Unblock the Solar Plexus Chakra
  1. Look at fire.
  2. Surround yourself with the colors yellow and gold.
  3. Repeat positive affirmations.
  4. Take deep breaths.
  5. Try meditation.
  6. Work with yellow crystals.
  7. Use aromatherapy.
  8. Open the chakra with yoga.

Which yoga is best for opening chakras? ›

7 Seated Yoga Poses To Align Your Chakras And Get A Great Stretch
  • Crown Chakra – Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)
  • Third Eye Chakra – Child's Pose (Balasana)
  • Throat Chakra – Lion Pose (Simhasana)
  • Heart Chakra – Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
  • Sacral Chakra – Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Dec 4, 2022

How do you awaken the solar plexus chakra? ›

The Solar Plexus Chakra can be activated if you perform the Hakini Mudra in the meditation pose. For doing this mudra, bring your hands to the height of your solar plexus (i.e., your naval) with palms facing each other. Now while leaving space in between both palms, touch the fingertips of both hands together.

What blocks the solar plexus chakra? ›

Trauma and abuse are key contributors to a blocked third chakra. Trauma can come from over-authoritative parents that do not allow their child to express their feelings, ideas, or thoughts. In other cases, a spouse or significant other who gaslights or emotionally abuses their partner can damage the solar plexus.

What organs does the solar plexus chakra control? ›

Your solar plexus, or celiac plexus, is a compilation of nerves and ganglia that is located in your abdomen near the diaphragm and behind your aorta. This nerve center is responsible for the functioning of your abdominal organs like the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder as well as mediating your body's stress response.

What emotions are stuck in the solar plexus? ›

Excessive fire energy here can create impulsive reactions such as anger and aggression, which is a sign of a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra. The emotions associated with this energy center are excitement, happiness, depression, and anger.

How do you ignite the solar plexus chakra? ›

Here are 5 ways to ignite your inner fire and rebalance your solar plexus chakra. In your yoga practice this week, focus on core strengthening poses like boat pose, plank and side plank, chair pose with variation, and any of the warrior poses. The solar plexus chakra is associated with yellow, the colour of the sun.

Which mantra activates all chakras? ›

Chant OM or AUM mantra to open up this chakra. Third eye chakra is associated with awareness and guidance. Crown chakra is related to the spiritual connection. This chakra is located little above the top of your head.

How long does it take to unblock chakras? ›

While there is no one-size-fits-all timeline, experts suggest that the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on various factors.

How do you open your third eye? ›

Okay, so how can I open my third eye?
  1. Keep a dream journal. ...
  2. Meditate while focusing on your third eye. ...
  3. Do a simple grounding exercise. ...
  4. Place a drop of Florida water on your third eye every morning and evening. ...
  5. Place an amethyst on your third eye. ...
  6. Take a bath or shower with Epsom salts.
Oct 25, 2022

What emotion is the solar plexus chakra? ›

The third chakra, manipura, or “solar plexus chakra” (also referred to as the “navel chakra”), acts as the body's energy powerhouse. When spinning properly, the chakra allows energy to flow, but if it becomes blocked or clogged, you may find yourself feeling powerless, stagnant, or quick to anger.

How to know if the solar plexus chakra is open? ›

First, here's how your physical health will improve when your Yellow Chakra opens up:
  1. Increased Energy. ...
  2. Improved Digestion. ...
  3. Healthy Metabolism. ...
  4. Increase in Self-Confidence. ...
  5. Greater Self-Love and Acceptance. ...
  6. Greater Motivation. ...
  7. Decisiveness. ...
  8. Discover Your Life's Purpose.
Jan 23, 2024

What is the gift of the solar plexus chakra? ›

The gift of the solar plexus chakra is self-acceptance. To heal the wound of shame, we must move from judgment to worthiness. Self-acceptance is about identifying all the things we judge ourselves harshly for and welcoming them back in.

How do you realign the solar plexus chakra? ›

8 Ways To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra
  1. Twisting Type Yoga Poses. Remember the location of the solar plexus is in the navel region. ...
  2. Candle Gazing. ...
  3. Connect With The Sun. ...
  4. Chant "Ram" ...
  5. Do Some Cardio. ...
  6. Wear Yellow. ...
  7. Eat Nourishing Foods. ...
  8. Say "I choose to" instead of "I have to"
May 31, 2023

How do you train the solar plexus chakra? ›

Here are 4 simple ways to strengthen Manipura chakra, so you can reclaim your personal power and integrity:
  1. Physical Workouts. ...
  2. Pranayama Exercises. ...
  3. Optimized Digestion. ...
  4. Binaural Beats Meditation.

What is the Boat Pose for the solar plexus chakra? ›

Boat pose.

Sit on a mat and extend your legs straight in front of you. Lean back to about 45 degrees and lift your legs to the same degree. Reach your arms toward your knees. You can hold onto your legs if necessary.

Which asana activates Manipura Chakra? ›

In addition, below are the common yoga practices which are foundations to strengthen and balance the Manipura Chakra: For Beginners: Sun Salutation, Cat Cow Pose, Warrior Pose Flow, Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, Palm Tree Pose Side Bend or Half Wind Release Pose.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.